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Uniforms and Canteen




It is part of the policy of Kalamunda Primary that all students are expected to wear school uniform at all times. This policy is endorsed by the School Board. Shoes should be closed in and suitable for climbing, playing and physical education. As part of the general uniform policy children who have long hair are required to tie it back. Children who are wearing unnecessary jewellery or makeup will be asked to remove it.


Our Uniform Shop is run and staffed by volunteers from the P&C.  It is open on Wednesday mornings from 8.30am to 9.15am - closing time may vary depending on demand.  Orders at the shop can be paid for by card. 


Uniforms can be ordered online with a credit card via QuickCliq.  Orders will be delivered to the student's classroom the following Wednesday. If you are unable to come in person or order online, you can leave your competed order form, below and money at the school front office.




Uniform Shop Price List/Order Form





The Canteen is operated by Kalamunda Primary P&C.  Volunteers are always welcome.  It is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Orders can be placed any time before 9.00am via QuickCliq or in person at the canteen.




Canteen Menu



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