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Teaching and Learning




Our dynamic Literacy blocks aim to create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed students. They are taught to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them. Through English, they engage imaginatively and critically with literature to expand the scope of their experience. Students are encouraged to appreciate, enjoy and use English to develop a sense of its richness and power to evoke feelings, convey information and express ideas.




Our innovative Numeracy blocks assist students to be confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics. They are taught to investigate, represent and interpret situations and apply their mathematical understanding creatively and efficiently. Mathematics learning involves carefully paced, in-depth study of critical skills and concepts. Digital technologies are used to facilitate the expansion of ideas and build refined mathematical understanding, fluency, logical reasoning and problem solving skills. This assists students to develop an appreciation of the power of mathematical reasoning.




Kalamunda Primary offers a Gifted and Talented program in school.  “Excel” offers students stimulating learning experiences and a chance to engage with complex information, abstract ideas or advanced skills in a fun and collaborative way. The Excel program provides an additional opportunity to students from years 1-6 who show a desire and ability to work at a higher than average level.




DRUMBEAT is an acronym for Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes, and Thoughts. DRUMBEAT facilitates the social and emotional skills for healthy relationships and values. This award winning program is part of our Pastoral Care.  We run exciting, challenging and dynamic drumming groups for selected students. 


PEAC & KSHS Extension Programs


The Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) program caters for academically talented children in Years 5 & 6. Year 4 children are tested to determine their eligibility. The parents of these children are responsible for transporting them to and from the PEAC Centre. 


Kalamunda Senior High School operates an optional extension program one afternoon a week for selected students in Years 5 and 6. Students are selected on academic ability.




Indonesian is taught in a vibrant dedicated space to Years 1-6 by our experienced Indonesian teacher and our Indonesian Language Assistant. Collaboration with special guest teachers in dance or other cultural areas is often a feature.


Physical Education


Kalamunda Primary runs a specialist Physical Education Program for students in Years 1 - 6.  Lessons aim to highlight the enjoyment of participating in physical activity whilst also developing a range of skills. Specialist swimming and dance lessons are part of the curriculum. The PE program is complemented by fitness sessions run in classes throughout the school and clinics provided by external experts.




The school library contains a large range of books - fiction, non-fiction, reference and teaching resources.  It is equipped with up to date Information Technology that is integrated into student learning and staffed by a highly experienced Library Officer. Students may borrow books during class library periods. 




Our technologies program provides students with authentic learning challenges that foster curiosity, confidence, persistence, innovation, creativity, respect and cooperation. Students create solutions to make sense of complex ideas and relationships in all areas of learning. Students have access to a range of resources from Kindy to Year 6 and activities vary widely from coding Lego Mind Storms to designing and constructing Go-Karts for an annual interschool Go-Kart race.


Music and the Arts


Our Music program caters for all students and is based on a very hands-on learning approach with a strong focus on singing and access to a wide range of instruments.  Selected Year 3,4,5,6 students are offered an opportunity to learn clarinet, violin or guitar through the Instrumental Music School Services program. Prescribed aptitude tests are carried out in Year 2 to identify these students.  Many of our students go on to be selected for the Gifted and Talented Program (Visual Arts) at Kalamunda Senior High School.


Student Leadership


School Prefects are Year 6 students who are elected and serve each Semester. Faction Captains and Vice Captains as well as members of 

sub-committees are also elected and serve for one Semester. Students are also given leadership opportunities throughout the year.


Peer Mentoring


Year 6 student committees assist younger students with lunch time activities and mentoring to play fairly.




The Rainbows program supports children with their self-esteem and helps them through life's struggles such as parental divorce, loss of a family member or other significant life challenges.


Ed Connect Australia


Inter-generational mentors enhance students' well-being by providing support to students at risk to assist with educational success and



Safe for Kids


This program empowers students and provides them with the skills to help protect them from harm and build resilience.


The Zones of Regulation


The Zones of Regulation program teaches students strategies for emotional and sensory self-management.


Shake It Off


Kalamunda Primary "Values Program" for all students.



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