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Our School


Dear Parents,


Welcome to Kalamunda Primary. You have chosen an excellent school in a wonderful community. 


Kalamunda Primary has a proud history stretching back to 1895.  We are a vibrant local school with excellent facilities and staff, catering for a bustling hills community.


Parental involvement is important to your child and therefore to us. Opportunities to participate include parent help in the class and at sporting events, contributing to the P&C or the School Board or helping in our canteen or library.

We look forward to striving with you towards great educational outcomes for your children.


Mr Lee Bates




Our Vision


Our vision is to work diligently and collaboratively as a whole school to inspire and provide to every child, regardless of individual differences, the skills and confidence in all domains to become resilient, lifelong learners that are intrinsically motivated to grasp every opportunity to reach their full potential and become the future leaders of our community.



Beliefs & Values


Our school motto ‘Strive to Excel’ reflects the commitment we have in fostering high standards as well as our desire to encourage continuous improvement. Kalamunda Primary assists each student to develop academically, socially, emotionally and physically in a caring and positive environment, which both recognises and accepts individual differences and acknowledges the needs and expectations of the community.


Policies and Plans

Link to Policies and Plans







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