Kalamunda Primary has been gazetted as a local intake school. This means that places are always available for school aged children residing within our gazetted boundary. Should there be vacancies, consideration will be given to enrolling out of boundary students. For further information, please contact the school office on 9257 4700.
Kalamunda Primary Boundary Map
If your confirmed residential address is within the school’s gazetted boundary, please contact the school office.
You may then be advised to:
Complete an Application for Enrolment Form (there is a link to an editable electronic version below). Fill and then save the document.
Send the completed application to the school with proof of residence, your child’s birth certificate, AIR immunisation form available from the MyGov site and visa approval (if applicable).
You will be advised of your enrolment status once your application has been assessed.
Please note that parents residing outside the Kalamunda Senior High School (KSHS) zone who have children attending Kalamunda Primary, need to be aware that attending Kalamunda Primary is not a guarantee that their child’s enrolment will be automatically accepted by KSHS.
Please refer to their website for information.
Kalamunda Senior High School Website